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  • Qualified Supervisor

    Qualified Supervisor

    Florida Qualified Licensure Supervisor

    Marriage and Family Therapist Interns, Clinical Social Worker Interns, and Mental Health Counselor Interns

    Are you ready to take your career to the next level?


    CWCSF provides Individual, Pairs, and Group Supervision to meet all your developmental needs. Group Supervision can be provided by co-supervisors in order to provide different perspectives, techniques, theories, and methodologies. At CWCSF, we know how important choosing a supervisor is. We take pride in providing our interns a comfortable, supportive environment to help them achieve professional confidence; we guide our interns in case consultation, laws, ethics, case notes, boundary settings, self-care, and marketing/private practice building.

    As an intern in the state of Florida you are required to complete 1500 client contact hours under the supervision of a Qualified Supervisor in no less than 100 weeks.  You must have at least 1 hour of supervision every 2 weeks and at least 50% of your supervision must be individual or pairs supervision.  Group supervision can be a maximum of 6 interns. Registered Interns must complete the licensure process within 5 years of registering.

    Call 954-951-2929 to speak to a Qualified Supervisor today. Supervision can be provided in English and Spanish.

    Staci Lee Schnell, M.S.,C.S., LMFT

    Dr. Nathalie Bello, LMFT

    Jennifer Blanks, M.Ed, LMHC

    Lexa Goldman, MA, LMHC, LMFT

    Anna Schäfer Edwards, LMFT, MBA